The Perfection of Jesus Christ Within Us

1 Corinthians 3:16
Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?

We are vessels of the living water that dwells within us. We are not the the stream or the rain shower that brings the precious water. We are only the collecting places where the thirsty can come to be quenched.

We are the lanterns of the Light of the World. We are not the sun or the moon that brings the precious light. We are only the beacons that allow the light to shine into the darkness of the world around us.

We are the temples of Jesus Christ. We produce nothing on our own, but we are the repositories of the gifts of the Holy Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

We are conduits of the perfect love and forgiveness of Our Heavenly Father. Nothing that flows from us is of ourselves. It is all the perfection of Jesus Christ within us. God could have chosen angels to deliver His message, but He chose weaker vessels so that His power might be glorified and His treasures might be shared with all men.

Let us prepare ourselves to receive and pass along every good thing that the Father has set aside for us. Let us seek to be living founts of the goodness and loving kindness of Almighty God. Let us be good stewards of His presence in our lives.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for choosing us to deliver Your treasures to the world. We rejoice in knowing that You have pulled us from the pit, cleansed us with the blood of Your Son, Jesus, and made us worthy to be lamps upon a hill. We pray, Lord, that You will reveal to us everything in our lives that hinders the flow of Your gifts. May we live in the fullness of Our Savior. May all the glory be Yours. We ask all these things in the name of the Living Water and the Everlasting Light, Jesus Christ.

Silencing Our Fears

Psalm 34:10
The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

We can find great comfort in the Psalms as we discover David’s prayers that he used to silence his fears. Through his faith David often looked to the Lord in prayer. He was wonderfully revived and comforted time after time.

Be assured that God owns everything. If we seek Him, we can expect the fullness of His provisions in our lives. He does expect a little from us. He expects us to put Him first in our finances, first in our interests, first in our relationships, first in our schedule and even first in our troubles. If we do these things, we will lack no good thing.

Let us follow the good model shown to us by David. Let us not turn to the world where we will find that we will be left at a loss in times of trouble. Let us not trust in ourselves, thinking that our own efforts will be sufficient.

Let us seek God’s provision in all things. Let us look at His promises instead of focusing on our problems. Let us be persistent in our prayers until we receive what we cannot see now but hope for with the same faith as David.

Let us be positive and let God develop our potential. Let us rejoice in seeing Him provide more than we can imagine. Let us marvel as He surrounds us with people who are filled with His precious love.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for providing us with every good thing that we need. We praise the name of Jesus who has provided us with our greatest need – to be washed clean by His shed blood. We pray, Lord, that Your Holy Spirit will teach us how to taste and see Your goodness as we learn to put our total trust in You. May Your grace be sufficient to transform us from living lives in the flesh to living lives in the spirit. We ask all these things in the name of the One who brings salvation to all people, Jesus Christ.