When Our Zeal Wanes

Jeremiah 2:2
Go and shout this message to Jerusalem. This is what the LORD says: “I remember how eager you were to please me as a young bride long ago, how you loved me and followed me even through the barren wilderness.

First, Our Heavenly Father extended His perfect love, forgiveness and pardoning grace to us through His Son, Jesus. Then, as we accepted Our Savior, we were welcomed into an intimate relationship with the Father and the Son. Their love was implanted in us. We returned that love in a very ardent manner of worship. We constantly built on that relationship by fervently following the ordinances given to us. Even through difficulties and discouragements, we clung passionately to our new life in Christ. Then something happened. Somehow our love and our passion waned. But He remembered how we first loved Him. His love for us never changed.

Any parent who has grown kids has fond memories of how their young children delighted in being in their presence. They also remember how the zeal of the children being with them diminished as the children grew older and formed their network of friends. What parent at some point doesn’t say, “how I miss those early years.”

So it is with Our Heavenly Father. He remembers how hungry we were to know Him when we first received His Son as Our Savior. He feels sorrow when He sees our knowledge of Him increasing while our zeal for Him is becoming stale. He is sad when He sees us spending so much time in the world and so little time with Him. He longs for us to return to the energy and enthusiasm that we showed Him when we were first born again in Christ.

Let us return to the joyous and fervent moments in Christ that we enjoyed when we were first born again. Let us turn those memorable moments into the foundation of our ever increasing intimacy with Our Savior. Let us proclaim our joy so that the world can become a witness.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for pouring out Your perfect love to us so that we are able to return that love to You. We rejoice in knowing that Your throne is always open to us and You eagerly wait for us to come to be in Your presence. We pray, Father, that you will fill us with the zeal of young children who run to their earthly parents to express their love and their joy in being in their presence. May the fire of Your Holy Spirit rekindle our devotion and fervency for You. We pray these things in the name of the One who loved us so much that He died for us, Jesus Christ.

Praising God in Our Darkest Hours

Psalm 63:1
O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

Most people who study the Bible find David to be one of the most intriguing characters in all of the Old Testament. It is likely that he is so interesting to most of us because he is a character of such contrast. We learn that He was passionately devoted to God as evidenced by today’s passage. But on the other hand, we find that he was guilty of some of the most grievous sins written of in the entire Bible. We learn that David was a mighty and courageous warrior that won many battles because of His favor with the Lord. But conversely, we find that he was at his weakest when he was fighting his own personal battles in the flesh. David’s emotional highs and lows are well chronicled by David himself in the Book of Psalms. His writings provide us with some of the most heart-warming and inspiring poetry written anywhere in the Bible.

As we struggle through the challenges of daily life, the way God views David offers hope for all of us. Of David, the Lord said, “I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.” We can be comforted in knowing that there is nothing that we can do to cause Our Heavenly Father to love us less. His love and forgiveness are perfectly paired and extended to us without end. Our Lord is particularly pleased when, like David, we come to Him with praise even in our darkest hours.

Let us go boldly to the Throne of God, particularly when we find ourselves in a dry or weary place. Let us sing our praises to our precious Lord. Let us be strengthened by knowing that Almighty God delights in seeing us come through our trials in loving obedience to His calling on our lives.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your perfect love and forgiveness. We sing Your praises knowing that even when we have fallen that Your love for us never fails. We bless the name of Jesus through Whom we are separated from our sin. We ask that Your Holy Spirit will inspire us to thirst for You in the passionate, intimate way that David did. We pray that Your Holy Spirit will strengthen us to walk in obedience to all that You ask us to do. We long to be called men and women after Your own heart. We ask all these things in the name of the living testimony of the love of God, Jesus Christ.

Finding All We Need in Him

Luke 11:9
And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

In this passage, we find a solemn declaration and promise made by Jesus Himself. The declaration rests on His authority. He makes the statement with the boldness of knowing it is true. He opens the way for us to ask for food for the body and nourishment for our souls and He promises that for those that act in accordance with His counsel shall find their requests satisfied.

When we knock at Jesus’ door, seeking Him, our lives are changed forever. Once we have accepted Him as Our Savior, we are new men and women in Christ. We are new people who are faced with the eye-opening need to let our old selves die, so that our new selves are properly prepared to be in the presence of Our Lord.

Once we establish our relationship with Him, we will be in a place that is greater than anything we have ever experienced before. We will never want to leave that relationship. To stay there, we will find that we are forever humbled by our need to cleanse ourselves. We will find that the experience of first meeting Him is the beginning of our preparation for being in His presence for all eternity.

Let us knock on the door of heaven and let Jesus know that we desire to have an intimate relationship with Him. Let us humbly accept being yoked to Him. Let us learn to surrender to the fullness of living in His presence each day. Let us joyfully anticipate the eternal resting place that He is preparing for us in His Father’s house.

Heavenly Father, we humbly bow before You. We thank You that we are allowed to approach Your throne because Your Son, Jesus, has prepared the way for us. Make us forever mindful of His sacrifice which washed away our sins for all eternity. Open our eyes to see the sins that remain in our lives so that we may ask forgiveness of them and repent of them. May Your Holy Spirit guide us in continuously seeking the presence of Your Son in our lives. May we find all we need in Him. We ask all these things in the name of the Lord God Omnipotent, Jesus Christ.

Constant Awareness of God in Our Lives

1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray without ceasing.

When Paul exhorted the Thessalonians to pray without ceasing, most, if not all, were probably thinking that he was asking for the impossible. Let us consider whether prayer without ceasing is possible.

Prayer may be oral or mental, occasional or constant. It may be formal or in the form of an outburst. It may be offered in secret or in public. It may be a personal solicitation or it may be intercessory.

Prayer presupposes a belief in a God who wants to hear from us and wants to extend His perfect control over our lives. Prayer is offered in reverence with a humble sense of inadequacy and unworthiness as we bow before the holy and righteous God of heaven. Prayer is offered in thanksgiving for everything we already have been provided and are currently experiencing. Prayer is rejoicing in every moment as we recognize the presence of Our Savior and the fullness of what He has done for us and is willing to do for us. Perhaps most importantly, prayer is listening for His response as we commune with Him.

Prayer is recognizing that we have a daily and continuous need for the intervention of Our Savior, Jesus Christ. As we start each day of our lives, we can be sure that we will encounter new trials and new challenges in our service, whether it be carnal or spiritual. We would certainly be wise to call on the counsel and power of the Holy Spirit to aid us along the way lest we falter.

If Jesus Christ is the foundation of our lives, prayer is as natural as breathing. We are always needy. We benefit considerably by being continually before the Throne of Grace. Indeed, kneeling is not required. We can pray without ceasing just by recognizing the constant presence of the One who longs for our attention.

Let us discover how prayer without ceasing is possible. Let us live moment to moment in constant awareness of the One who dwells within us. Let us open our senses to constant communication with Him.

Heavenly Father, we praise You for who You are. We thank You for all that You have provided and continue to provide. We submit to Your control over our lives. We pray that You will teach us how to make prayer to You as normal and as regular as breathing. May our lives be a continuous flow of our reverent acknowledgement of Your presence and power in our lives. We ask all these things in the name of Our Refuge in the Storm, Jesus Christ.

Every Element of Self Reliance Must Be Slain at the Cross

1 Peter 4:17
For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

For each of us that have been washed clean of our sins by the blood of Jesus Christ, the keys to the kingdom of God will be given. Our sins will have been judged and forgiven in advance by Our Savior. Our sins will no longer stain us in the eyes of Almighty God. We will appear in the likeness of Jesus Christ before Our Father in heaven. We will be worthy to become heirs to the kingdom of Almighty God for all eternity.

Yet Our Just and Holy Father requires that all sin must be punished. So those of us that have received the grace of salvation will experience rebuking for our sins in this lifetime. The Holy Spirit will reveal to us the past and current sins in our lives. We will be required to ask forgiveness for our sins and turn away from them. Until we completely surrender to Jesus, we will suffer trials and tribulations in accordance with our iniquities. Our suffering will serve as both the measured punishment required for our sins and the enlightenment needed to facilitate our reliance on Our Savior. Our suffering will continue until every element of our self reliance is slain at the Cross.

For every man and every woman that does not accept the offer of salvation, their time of judgement will also come. It will be at the Throne of God. Sadly, they will have no defense for their sins. They will be deemed unacceptable to enter in to the eternal home of Almighty God. There will be no comfort for those that come before the Lord on their final day still covered in the filth of their sins. They will face endless torment.

Let us rejoice in the knowledge that our salvation separates us from our sins and their required eternal damnation. Let us completely surrender ourselves to the sanctification process that the Lord has set aside for us on this earth. Let us prepare ourselves to hear the sweet words “well done good and faithful servant” when we stand before Our Heavenly Father at His Throne.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your loving kindness, Your mercy and Your grace in our lives. We thank You for opening our eyes so that we may see the sin in our lives that separates us from You. We thank You for preparing our hearts so that we could receive Your Son, Jesus, as Our Savior. We pray that You mold our hearts, Lord, so that we fully surrender to Your Son each and every day of our lives. Prepare us, Lord, to stand before You in the image of Your Son. We ask all these things in the name of the precious Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.

The Hope That We Need

Romans 8:32
He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

Is it hope that we need today? Are we seeking hope to relieve the pain that we are suffering? Are we seeking hope to relieve the concern over the financial woes that are hounding us? Or, perhaps, are we seeking hope to ease the torment of conflict in a relationship that we are feeling?

In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. There is nothing in all of creation that can separate us from the love of God. He sent the fallen angels from His kingdom forever because of their sins. He flooded the earth because of the violence and evil of all mankind. He destroyed all the people of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their wickedness. Yet He spared us from our sins by giving us His Son. Through His Son, He provides us with all our temporal needs and all of our spiritual blessings. It is all given freely according to His good will and pleasure.

For while we are without strength, all that we need is provided through Our Savior. While we are sorrowful, we can always rejoice. While we are poor, we can experience His abundant riches. While we may have nothing, we can possess everything through the sacrificial offering of the Son of Almighty God, Jesus Christ.

Let us go boldly and confidently to the throne of Our Heavenly Father. Let us celebrate His desire to meet all of our needs through His all-sufficient Son, Jesus Christ. Let us rejoice in His grace.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for providing us with all of our needs, both temporal and spiritual. We exalt the name of Jesus for providing us with that which we do not deserve and could never earn except through His death for our sins. We praise You, Father, for the hope and assurance that we have through Our Savior. He is all that we need. We pray that through Your grace and through the aid of the Holy Spirit, we will find the peace and strength that we need in all circumstances. We ask all these things in the name of the Blessed Hope and Assurance, Jesus Christ.

The Privilege of Being in the Presence of God

Genesis 5:24
Enoch walked with God;

“Enoch walked with God.” Good for old Enoch, but what about us? Does it seem possible that at any given time that the ruler and creator of the universe would dial us up and invite us for a walk or we could dial Him and ask Him to join us for a walk? In the flesh, it certainly seems impossible, perhaps even unimaginable.

While it all may seem illogical to us, it is absolutely within the plans that Almighty God has for each of us. He is always ready to hear from us. He is eager to come along side of us. His line is always open. The only issue is that in order to connect to God’s line, we have to be on the same line. We must disconnect ourselves from all of the lines of distraction in our lives. This is hard work, but it is well worth the effort. Profound peace and joy awaits.

Let us begin the task of separating ourselves from the distractions of the world. Let us devote every task, no matter how mundane, to the Lord. Let us treat all of our labor as sacred. Let us learn to stay in the presence of Almighty God throughout the day.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for granting us the privilege to be in Your presence. We praise You for making Your throne accessible to us. We bless the name of Jesus for dying on the cross for us so that we are worthy to come before You. We pray, Lord, that You would teach us how to shed the distractions of the world and make You the center of all that we do. May we all learn to rejoice in complete comfort in Your sweet presence. We ask all these things in the name of Our Ever Present Lord, Jesus Christ.

Thirsting for Christ

Psalm 63:1
O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

Most people who study the Bible find David to be one of the most intriguing characters in all of the Old Testament. It is likely that he is so interesting to most of us because he is a character of such contrast. We learn that He was passionately devoted to God as evidenced by today’s passage. But on the other hand, we find that he was guilty of some of the most grievous sins written of in the entire Bible. We learn that David was a mighty and courageous warrior that won many battles because of His favor with the Lord. But conversely, we find that he was at his weakest when he was fighting his own personal battles in the flesh. David’s emotional highs and lows are well chronicled by David himself in the Book of Psalms. His writings provide us with some of the most heart-warming and inspiring poetry written anywhere in the Bible.

As we struggle through the challenges of daily life, the way God views David offers hope for all of us. Of David, the Lord said, “I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.” We can be comforted in knowing that there is nothing that we can do to cause Our Heavenly Father to love us less. His love and forgiveness are perfectly paired and extended to us without end. Our Lord is particularly pleased when, like David, we come to Him with praise even in our darkest hours.

Let us go boldly to the Throne of God, particularly when we find ourselves in a dry or weary place. Let us sing our praises to our precious Lord. Let us be strengthened by knowing that Almighty God delights in seeing us come through our trials in loving obedience to His calling on our lives.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your perfect love and forgiveness. We sing Your praises knowing that even when we have fallen that Your love for us never fails. We bless the name of Jesus through Whom we are separated from our sin. We ask that Your Holy Spirit will inspire us to thirst for You in the passionate, intimate way that David did. We pray that Your Holy Spirit will strengthen us to walk in obedience to all that You ask us to do. We long to be called men and women after Your own heart. We ask all these things in the name of the living testimony of the love of God, Jesus Christ.

Pray Without Ceasing…Really?

1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray without ceasing.

When Paul exhorted the Thessalonians to pray without ceasing, most, if not all, were probably thinking that he was asking for the impossible. Let us consider whether prayer without ceasing is possible.

Prayer may be oral or mental, occasional or constant. It may be formal or in the form of an outburst. It may be offered in secret or in public. It may be a personal solicitation or it may be intercessory.

Prayer presupposes a belief in a God who wants to hear from us and wants to extend His perfect control over our lives. Prayer is offered in reverence with a humble sense of inadequacy and unworthiness as we bow before the holy and righteous God of heaven. Prayer is offered in thanksgiving for everything we already have been provided and are currently experiencing. Prayer is rejoicing in every moment as we recognize the presence of Our Savior and the fullness of what He has done for us and is willing to do for us. Perhaps most importantly, prayer is listening for His response as we commune with Him.

Prayer is recognizing that we have a daily and continuous need for the intervention of Our Savior, Jesus Christ. As we start each day of our lives, we can be sure that we will encounter new trials and new challenges in our service, whether it be carnal or spiritual. We would certainly be wise to call on the counsel and power of the Holy Spirit to aid us along the way lest we falter.

If Jesus Christ is the foundation of our lives, prayer is as natural as breathing. We are always needy. We benefit considerably by being continually before the Throne of Grace. Indeed, kneeling is not required. We can pray without ceasing just by recognizing the constant presence of the One who longs for our attention.

Let us discover how prayer without ceasing is possible. Let us live moment to moment in constant awareness of the One who dwells within us. Let us open our senses to constant communication with Him.

Heavenly Father, we praise You for who You are. We thank You for all that You have provided and continue to provide. We submit to Your control over our lives. We pray that You will teach us how to make prayer to You as normal and as regular as breathing. May our lives be a continuous flow of our reverent acknowledgement of Your presence and power in our lives. We ask all these things in the name of Our Refuge in the Storm, Jesus Christ.

The Mercy Seat Where Grace Reigns

Hebrews 4:16
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

The buddy bench has shown up in children’s playgrounds at elementary schools. It is a bench placed on the edge of the play area. It serves as a silent summons for help or support. When a child needs a friend, he or she sits on the buddy bench. When a child feels left out or left behind, he or she sits on the buddy bench. When a child longs for a helping hand, a listening ear, an empathetic soul, he or she sits on the buddy bench. This precious playground seat carries no stigma nor shame; it merely issues an unspoken invitation for comfort.

As we enter the new year, how many of us are already in need of comforting support? As we find ourselves burdened by broken relationships, financial challenges or perhaps trouble at work, whom among us would not like to look up in the center of our day’s activities and see a buddy bench where we could go to find the aid that we need.

Fortunately for all of us, the buddy bench has been in place for us throughout our days on this earth. In every challenging time or moment in our lives, we have the infallible mercy seat of Jesus Christ to turn to. Our Savior King is waiting on us to turn to Him for all of our present needs. His seat summons us to come with our burdens. We are graciously invited to the mercy seat where grace reigns. We can go to His throne with boldness. There is no stigma or shame in seeking His aid. In fact, it is quite the opposite. God is glorified when we go to His throne to seek the comfort of the Advocate that is there for us, Jesus Christ.

Let us go boldly to the mercy seat in our times of need. Let us confidently accept the invitation to draw near to the Throne of Grace. Let us rejoice in knowing that our all-sufficient Lord is waiting for us to take a seat of comfort beside Him.

Let us also be mindful of those in the world that do not yet know Our Savior King. Let us be ready to provide a buddy bench for them.

Heavenly Father we thank You for the mercy seat that You have provided for all men. We rejoice in knowing that we have a Comforter that waits to hear from us. We bless the name of Jesus who insured that our every need will be met when He died on the Cross for us. We come to you boldly and confidently to receive the merciful pardon of our sins, the grace that we need to purify our souls, as well as, all that is required for our daily needs. We ask all these things in the name of Our Advocate, Our Comforter, Our King, Jesus Christ.