Be Alert for the Fullness of Christ in the Springtime

Song of Solomon 2:11
For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone.

Just as the earth goes through seasons, so do we. Remarkably, our supernatural seasons tend to coincide with the natural seasons. As we respond to the gloominess of the dark winter days, we tend to become inactive like the flowers and the trees. As the spring arrives, we tend to become more lively. We enjoy a sense of calmness and peace accompanied by a sense of expectation. We look forward to a fruitfulness in our works.

We should be alert in the spring of the year to seek the new things that God is trying to release into our lives. If we are growing in Christ, we will always be taken to higher levels in service, praise, worship and fellowship with Our Savior. May we turn away from the darkness of the winter past and turn toward the light of Jesus Christ. May we look for the arrival of the harvest around us as the cold, hard ground of winter becomes the fertile, soft soil of the spring.

Let us dust off any complacency that has arisen in our winter time. Let us shake off the things that have us stuck in one place. Let us claim the breakthrough anointing that Our Father has prepared for us as we draw nearer to Our Savior who is anxious to release new fruit in our lives. Let us rejoice in knowing that the One who releases us into our new springtime anointing for fruitfulness and intimacy is the same One who promises never to forsake us during our journey into the new season.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the seasons in our lives. We thank You for taking us through the dark of the winter so we can see You more clearly in the light of the spring. We pray that Your Holy Spirit will inspire us to seek the newness and boldness in Christ that You have planned to release in us this spring. We pray that You will use us to harvest the souls of the men and women surrounding us as You prepare their hearts to be fertile grounds for Your Good News. May new fruit come from our growth as Jesus’ disciples this year. We ask all these things in the name of the eternal spring, Jesus Christ.

Breaking Away from Our Independent Nature

Matthew 6:30
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you–you of little faith?

Gorgeous are the wild flowers that fill our fields in the spring and the summer. They pop up everywhere without a hint of human intervention. They are here with us for only a brief time before succumbing to the seasons. Yet year after year, God raises them up and displays them spectacularly as just one tiny example of His loving providence. How is it possible that we doubt the provision and protection of Our Father in heaven when He is so loyal to even the small plants with their limited life cycles? Do we not have enough faith to see how much more He would provide for His children who He holds so dear as to grant them eternal life?

We have allowed the cares of the world to come in and diminish our faith in the promises of Almighty God. We have followed the world’s lead and put our faith in our own independence instead of in the hands of Our Creator. We have tried to satisfy ourselves in all the things of the world instead of the perfect provision of Our Loving Father in heaven. In the process, we have complicated our lives to the point that we cannot be satisfied.

Let us seek the simplicity and satisfaction of the promised provision that is ours to claim from the One who never breaks His promises. Let us trust that His planned provision for us is more than sufficient and is far more satisfying than anything that the world has to offer.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for providing for our every need. We rejoice in knowing that all the treasures of Your kingdom are ours through the eternal inheritance secured for us by Your Son, Jesus. We pray, Father, that you will help us break our worldly appetites that are impossible to satisfy. Strengthen us, O Lord, that we may bear up to our daily troubles, stand up against our temptations and allow none of these things to move us away from You. Help us to seek You, Father God. We pray all these things in the name of our endless fount of provision, Jesus Christ.