Wisdom is Far Superior to Knowledge Alone

James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

What is the first thing that you do when you are puzzled by something or want to know how something works? Most of us go immediately to our favorite internet browser. We are amazed at what we can find and delighted in how the search process often yields the exact information that we are looking for. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this process, if used appropriately. It provides us with knowledge that we do not haveā€¦fast.

As amazing and effective as internet search can be, there is a much faster source of knowledge that is instantly available to us without the aid of any man-made device. Our Heavenly Father teaches us that all we have to do is ask and He will give us wisdom.

The internet can provide knowledge, but does not provide wisdom. Wisdom is far superior to knowledge alone. Wisdom provides insight into how we should use the knowledge that we have accumulated. Wisdom from God deepens our insight into how we should apply our skills and our knowledge in ways that are pleasing to Him.

The internet will always provide an answer to the question that we asked. The answers are predetermined by the search engine programming. God will not always answer the question we asked. Omnisciently, He will answer the question that we should have asked. He will uniquely tailor His response to our real needs and to His will and plan for our lives.

Let us learn to trust in the one who is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. Let us trust in the one who holds a perfect plan for our lives in His hands, Almighty God.

Heavenly Father, we thank You that You have inspired and equipped others to provide us with knowledge to help us through our daily activities. We come to You to seek wisdom, so that we may use our knowledge in ways that are pleasing to You and in ways that are used to bear fruit for Your kingdom and bring honor and glory to Your name. We pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire us to always turn to You first when we are seeking answers. May the world know us and be drawn to Your Son through the wisdom that You provide. We ask these things in the the name of Our Wonderful Counselor, Jesus Christ.

Trusting in God’s Timing

Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God! I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

Almighty God is omnipotent. He is able to deliver us from the most extreme trials. Almighty God is omniscient. He knows every little detail about us and our troubles. Almighty God is unchangeable, forever faithful to His promises. He makes all things work together for those that abide in Him. So why is it that we are so impatient when it comes to waiting on God?

Is there anything that we have learned to hate more than waiting? What is it about traffic lights, grocery lines, internet downloads, etc. that create such angst? Has patience disappeared completely in our lives? Is there anything that frustrates us more than lack of success when something we are working on is in stall mode? Even when we know we are doing everything right and in the right way, the results become more important to us than the process. When did we lose sight of the fact that God is in control of everything?

The frustration of waiting for something to happen and the pain of waiting on success both stem from the same issue. We are focusing on self gratification and not focusing on the plans that God has for our lives and His perfect will for our lives. In our impatience, we foolishly rush ahead of God in our efforts to make things happen on our timetable.

Let us reach out to the Holy Spirit for guidance and instruction when we are so anxious to move before God moves. Let us learn to trust in God’s timing. Let us rejoice as we reap the unimaginable rewards of waiting on God’s divine will for our lives.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the good plan for our lives that You promise us in Your Holy Word. We praise You for Your Holy Spirit who guides us and strengthens us so that we can overcome the desires of our flesh that are not in accordance with Your plans. We pray, Father, that You renew our minds so that we will know Your will for our lives. We pray that the Holy Spirit will teach us to learn to be still and wait on the all sufficient grace and provision that You promise us. We ask all these things in the name of Our Blessed Hope and Assurance, Jesus Christ.

The Rewards of Waiting on God

Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God! I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

Almighty God is omnipotent. He is able to deliver us from the most extreme trials. Almighty God is omniscient. He knows every little detail about us and our troubles. Almighty God is unchangeable, forever faithful to His promises. He makes all things work together for those that abide in Him. So why is it that we are so impatient when it comes to waiting on God?

Is there anything that we have learned to hate more than waiting? What is it about traffic lights, grocery lines, internet downloads, etc. that create such angst? Has patience disappeared completely in our lives? Is there anything that frustrates us more than lack of success when something we are working on is in stall mode? Even when we know we are doing everything right and in the right way, the results become more important to us than the process. When did we lose sight of the fact that God is in control of everything?

The frustration of waiting for something to happen and the pain of waiting on success both stem from the same issue. We are focusing on self gratification and not focusing on the plans that God has for our lives and His perfect will for our lives. In our impatience, we foolishly rush ahead of God in our efforts to make things happen on our timetable.

Let us reach out to the Holy Spirit for guidance and instruction when we are so anxious to move before God moves. Let us learn to trust in God’s timing. Let us rejoice as we reap the unimaginable rewards of waiting on God’s divine will for our lives.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the good plan for our lives that You promise us in Your Holy Word. We praise You for Your Holy Spirit who guides us and strengthens us so that we can overcome the desires of our flesh that are not in accordance with Your plans. We pray, Father, that You renew our minds so that we will know Your will for our lives. We pray that the Holy Spirit will teach us to learn to be still and wait on the all sufficient grace and provision that You promise us. We ask all these things in the name of Our Blessed Hope and Assurance, Jesus Christ.