God Has A Lot Invested in Us

Psalm 139:7
Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?

There is no place that we can go to get away from God. He chases us no matter where we go because He loves us so much. He pursues us with an undeniable and unlimited fervor because He has so much invested in us. He created us. He gave up His Son on our behalf, so that He could derive value from us not only here on earth but in heaven for all eternity.

When we are at our lowest point and it seems that Satan is winning, God just smiles confidently. He is there with us. He gives us the strength for another breath and another step. He sets an unquenchable fire in us for Him. He knows that the victory is His and ours through Jesus Christ.

Yet He weeps at the same time because He sees us falling short of our potential of who we are in Christ. He weeps because He sees us allowing our flesh to pull us and tug us in the wrong direction. All along though, He can smile because He knows His steadfast grasp on our lives will soon enough lead to our surrender to Him. He is ready to build something enormous in us, something within the depths of our souls that will cause us to rise up and say, “I am not going there anymore for I am a new man in Christ.”

Thus through His constant presence and never ending love for us, we will reach a place where we seek Him and Him alone. The world will become but a distant memory as we settle into our place of eternal comfort in the hands of Our Heavenly Father who has always been there for us.

Let us be inspired by the Holy Spirit to walk in the fullness of our new lives in Christ. Let us seek the comforting presence of Our Savior at all times in everything we do. Let us show the world how He changed us.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your relentless pursuit of our affection. We thank You for loving us first so that we could love You. We bless the name of Your Son, Jesus, who made it possible for us to live in the comfort of Your presence for all eternity. We pray, Father, that You set the fire in our souls that sends us running to You in full and immediate surrender. May every breath we take be used to turn our faces toward You and away from the world. May the world around us know us by Your presence in our lives. We ask all these things in the name of Our Omni-Present Lord, Jesus Christ.

Assimilating and Sharing the Truths of God

John 16:12
I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.

Almighty God has created each of us to fulfill a unique need in His kingdom. His plan for our lives is much, much bigger than anything that we have ever imagined. We are just not ready to take it all in. Our flesh simply gets in the way with what the Holy Spirit has to teach us. And of course, for many of us, we dig our own holes which makes the process even harder. Nonetheless, for those that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, His spirit will provide our strength where we are weak.

Even the apostles were not ready to receive and understand all the teachings of Jesus. Without the filling of the Holy Spirit, their flesh simply could not handle what was going to be revealed to them in the spirit. It was only after Pentecost that the apostles were able to boldly proclaim the full gospel.

What a wonderful transformation when the Holy Spirit opens our minds to receive and understand the things that made no sense to us or had no value for us before. In the blink of an eye, our blinders are removed. Without even being cognizant of the process, we begin to assimilate truths that had been unavailable to us before. Then, just as suddenly we are able to share them with those who have been prepared to receive them.

Let us prepare our hearts to receive all that the Holy Spirit has for us. Let us fulfill the plans that Almighty God has created us to fulfill. Let us become all that God has created us to be.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the Wonderful Counselor that You have provided to guide and instruct us. We humbly ask that You prepare us to receive all that the Holy Spirit has to teach us. May we become willing vessels, ready to take on the fullness of Your living water. We pray that we will be eager to have the living water pass through us to bring life and enlightenment to those around us. We ask all these things in the name of the Living Water, Jesus Christ.

The One Who Strengthens Us

Isaiah 49:5
And now the LORD speaks–the one who formed me in my mother’s womb to be his servant, who commissioned me to bring Israel back to him. The LORD has honored me, and my God has given me strength.

We learn three important things from the prophet Isaiah that pertained not only to him but to all of us:

  • God created us. The entire human race was created to serve and glorify God forever. Through God’s grace we were given life so that we may be one of His servants here on earth. Through God’s mercy we were granted eternal life so that we may praise and glorify Him in His eternal kingdom forever.
  • God commissioned all of us to serve Him. While our calling may be different from the commission of Isaiah, it is just as important in God’s eyes. We have all been uniquely gifted to fulfill the will of Our Heavenly Father and His plan for our lives. Our unique service to Him will be on earth as it will be in heaven.
  • God will give us all we need to fulfill our commission. Through Our Savior, Jesus Christ, we shall have the strength and capability to do the work that we have been called to do. We shall have the protection that we need to overcome our enemies. We shall have the comfort that we need to rise above our discouragements. It will all be fulfilled according to His promises and His indwelling in us. Through it all, He will complete His work in us so that we are prepared for our heavenly duties.

Let us seek the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s unique plan for our lives. Let us cling to Our Savior who waits to prepare us, protect us and strengthen us so that our lives may glorify the Father.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the loving kindness, the mercy and the grace that You have bestowed on us through Your Son, Jesus. We rejoice in knowing that You have a wonderful plan for our lives that will bring praise and glory to You forever. We pray, Lord, that You will bring us to a place of repentance so that we may turn away from all the things in our lives that displease You and turn toward all the things that Your Holy Spirit reveals to us. May it all be for Your eternal glory. We ask all these things in the name of the One who strengthens us, Jesus Christ.

Unique Gifts for Unique Service

Isaiah 49:5
And now the LORD speaks–the one who formed me in my mother’s womb to be his servant, who commissioned me to bring Israel back to him. The LORD has honored me, and my God has given me strength.

We learn three important things from the prophet Isaiah that pertained not only to him but to all of us:
God created us. The entire human race was created to serve and glorify God forever. Through God’s grace we were given life so that we may be one of His servants here on earth. Through God’s mercy we were granted eternal life so that we may praise and glorify Him in His eternal kingdom forever.
God commissioned all of us to serve Him. While our calling may be different from the commission of Isaiah, it is just as important in God’s eyes. We have all been uniquely gifted to fulfill the will of Our Heavenly Father and His plan for our lives. Our unique service to Him will be on earth as it will be in heaven.
God will give us all we need to fulfill our commission. Through Our Savior, Jesus Christ, we shall have the strength and capability to do the work that we have been called to do. We shall have the protection that we need to overcome our enemies. We shall have the comfort that we need to rise above our discouragements. It will all be fulfilled according to His promises and His indwelling in us. Through it all, He will complete His work in us so that we are prepared for our heavenly duties.

Let us seek the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s unique plan for our lives. Let us cling to Our Savior who waits to prepare us, protect us and strengthen us so that our lives may glorify the Father.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the loving kindness, the mercy and the grace that You have bestowed on us through Your Son, Jesus. We rejoice in knowing that You have a wonderful plan for our lives that will bring praise and glory to You forever. We pray, Lord, that You will bring us to a place of repentance so that we may turn away from all the things in our lives that displease You and turn toward all the things that Your Holy Spirit reveals to us. May it all be for Your eternal glory. We ask all these things in the name of the One who strengthens us, Jesus Christ.

Prepared for Heavenly Duties

Isaiah 49:5
And now the LORD speaks–the one who formed me in my mother’s womb to be his servant, who commissioned me to bring Israel back to him. The LORD has honored me, and my God has given me strength.

We learn three important things from the prophet Isaiah that pertained not only to him but to all of us:
1) God created us. The entire human race was created to serve and glorify God forever. Through God’s grace we were given life so that we may be one of His servants here on earth. Through God’s mercy we were granted eternal life so that we may praise and glorify Him in His eternal kingdom forever.
2) God commissioned all of us to serve Him. While our calling may be different from the commission of Isaiah, it is just as important in God’s eyes. We have all been uniquely gifted to fulfill the will of Our Heavenly Father and His plan for our lives. Our unique service to Him will be on earth as it will be in heaven.
3) God will give us all we need to fulfill our commission. Through Our Savior, Jesus Christ, we shall have the strength and capability to do the work that we have been called to do. We shall have the protection that we need to overcome our enemies. We shall have the comfort that we need to rise above our discouragements. It will all be fulfilled according to His promises and His indwelling in us. Through it all, He will complete His work in us so that we are prepared for our heavenly duties.

Let us seek the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s unique plan for our lives. Let us cling to Our Savior who waits to prepare us, protect us and strengthen us so that our lives may glorify the Father.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the loving kindness, the mercy and the grace that You have bestowed on us through Your Son, Jesus. We rejoice in knowing that You have a wonderful plan for our lives that will bring praise and glory to You forever. We pray, Lord, that You will bring us to a place of repentance so that we may turn away from all the things in our lives that displease You and turn toward all the things that Your Holy Spirit reveals to us. May it all be for Your eternal glory. We ask all these things in the name of the One who strengthens us, Jesus Christ.